Well, we're back from our hols. Back with a bouncingly healthy Stashlet and an exceedingly poorly Mr G, who has been sitting on the sofa ever since we got back on Friday feeling very delicate and morose, and coughing like a 200-a-day smoker.
And what's with the weather? We had one rubbish week in Germany (which, admittedly, coincided with Stashlet being poorly so we didn't miss too much), one semi ok week (although not a usual German summer, and we did get rained on one afternoon while we were actually swimming in the open air pool), and now we're back and it's like October. There should be a department one can write a letter to.
Anyways, on the crochet front, I have made a decent amount of progress and am on the third colour repeat. I want to make it a bit longer that the original, so will probably do three full colour repeats and then divide for the arm holes. But again that might change.
Sorry, not the best lighting. We've got very dull rainy weather at the moment.
That grey purple - the second colour from the bottom - hardly shows up at all against the grey, which I'm starting to like more and more, as it makes it look like there are two distinct bands of colour. I'm still completely in love with the golden rod (and I think I did it a bit of a disservice calling it a mustard) and the dark pink. If only Drops did a DK 100% alpaca in exactly the same colour...
That's me done for now. I have a (probably muddy) Stashlet to collect from sports camp in an hour, and - just for a change - we're moving in the next few weeks so I've started packing and need to achieve a decent quota for the day. But more on that, and dresses, soon. Or at least, soonish.
Happy Tuesday!